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True, False, Not Given?

Questions that require you to give the answer TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN can be quite challenging. This is especially so when deciding when to use NOT GIVEN.

One of the easiest way to determine this, is to first ask yourself if the passage gives you the information. If the information given in the passage matches the statement in the question, then it is TRUE. If however, the information in the passage is different from the question, then the answer is FALSE.

Finally, NOT GIVEN is used when you cannot find any relevant information about the subject matter in the passage. Often, you may find that something is not as clear cut and as such, you are unable to decide whether to put it down as TRUE or FALSE. In that instance, it is usually NOT GIVEN. Especially when you find yourself saying, "it may be... but...", that usually signals a NOT GIVEN answer, as you have to think more and assume.

Remember that if the answer is TRUE/ FALSE, you should be able to source for the relevant section in the passage and not have to give your own input of possible scenarios.

Sure hope this little piece of information helps you. :)

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