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Importance of Cohesive Devices

We need to use this element to connect our sentences. Instead of writing long sentences, as previously mentioned, remember to K.I.S.S. In addition, we must remember that there should only be one main point being made in a sentence. However, we should cleverly insert cohesive devices, also known as connectors, to make links between our points and bring about cohesion in your writing. As such, this will enable your points to flow fluently within your essay.

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but the above paragraph has practised what it preached, that of using cohesive devices cleverly. Do check it out below:

We need to use this element to connect our sentences. Instead of writing long sentences, as previously mentioned, remember to K.I.S.S. In addition, we must remember that there should only be one main point being made in a sentence. However, we should cleverly insert cohesive devices, also known as connectors, to make links between our points and bring about cohesion in your writing. As such, this will enable your points to flow fluently within your essay.

Finally, the two links below provide the marking rubrics for the IELTS writing component. Having said that, do refer specifically to the ‘Cohesion and Coherence’ column; where much has been mentioned and stressed about the important of using an adequate range of cohesive devices.

Have fun connecting your sentences! :)

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